There are several components of an effective rehabilitation therapy, among others:
- Assessment.
Namely assessing the problems with collecting information for diagnosis and treatment modalities that best suits the conditions of addicts. - Therapy plan.
Treatment plan based on assessment results and client needs masalh which includes physical, psychological, social, spiritual, family and work. - Detoxification program
This is an early stage of the recovery program, to release the addicts from the direct effects of the abuse of alcohol or drugs in anticipation of withdrawal symptoms after you stop taking alcohol or drugs. The process of detoxification can be done with drugs or naturally. - Rehabilitation.
As the next stage of the recovery process that includes physical, psychological, social, spiritual, education and employment. - Counseling.
There are two types of counseling, individual and group. To help the addict understand the self (insight), persuade, make suggestions, and beliefs, so he saw the problem in a more ralistis skilled and motivated to solve the problem. - Group counseling: Experience is very important group.
Less useful, if the addict does not build a network of peer groups. - Individual counseling: to evaluate the events of the day, identify the things that led to sugest, build a structure of life for the next day, discussing things that are sensitive or personal, that does not fit discussed in group discussions.
- Prevention of recurrence (relapse).
As a strategy to encourage addicts to stop consuming alcohol or drugs (abstinensia), helped identify and manage high-risk situations, thoughts and activities that encourage addicts to return. Apart from alcohol and drugs is easier than keeping to not re-use it in a long time. - The role of the family is very important in therapy.
Addicts never recover without the support of family and those closest to addicts. - Provide follow-up care.
Upon completion addicts undergoing treatment at the center of therapy and rehabilitation, addicts must continue to obtain such advanced treatments: - Counseling.
Memotivsasi and improve the skills of counteracting drug, helps recovery peer, and improve their ability to function normally in society. - Support group.
Completing the program in a professional therapy. - Adjoining houses.
As a place among addicts in rehab. - Vocational practice.
In order for recovering addicts who can work and function normally in society. - Suitable work interests, talents, and skills of addicts.

cardiacku · 698 weeks ago
bob · 674 weeks ago
bob · 674 weeks ago
bob · 670 weeks ago
alcohol assessment I knew that there was help that I could find.
bob · 669 weeks ago
bob · 668 weeks ago
bob · 665 weeks ago
jake · 663 weeks ago
jake · 659 weeks ago
jake · 652 weeks ago
jake · 650 weeks ago
jake · 648 weeks ago
Boom · 460 weeks ago
adderallrehab 53p · 418 weeks ago
Adam · 340 weeks ago
Amarhome · 307 weeks ago