Bad effects of alcohol for our health is very diverse depending on the intensity and levels of alcohol we consume. Drinking alcoholic beverages in excess once a week have a similar effect with people who regularly consume alcohol in small amounts.
Consuming alcohol can cause various disorders such as:
Neurodevelopmental disorders.
Decline in verbal IQ.
Triggering like to break the trend in children.
Learning disorders.
Decline in academic performance.
Besides a serious threat that is triggered by the habit of consuming alcohol is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). FAS is a pattern of physical and mental disability that develops in some unborn babies because their mothers drank too much alcohol during pregnancy. According to the Missouri Department of Health, there are some problems from consuming alcohol during pregnancy:
Size and low weight babies
Developmental disorders
Disability ribs and sternum
Curved spine and hip dislocation
Crooked toes or hands, webbed or incomplete
Limitation of joint motion
Small head size
Facial abnormalities
The emergence of the skin membrane between the eyes and bridge of the nose
Eyelid drop
Myopic eye
Eyes hard to move in the same direction
Nose slightly up
Nasal bone concave
There is no groove between the nose and upper lip
Thin upper lip
The opening in the palate
Small jaw
Abnormal ear shape
Abnormalities in organ
Heart defects
Genital defects
Kidney and urinary tract defects
Central nervous system defects
The composition of brain cells and connective tissue that is not perfect
Mental retardation
Learning disorders
Low concentration levels
Hyperactivity in childhood
Coordination body, hands and fingers are bad
In addition to alcohol on pregnant women also have an adverse effect is no less creepy, one of our liver health. Liver function in general is as a filter against toxins, bacteria and harmful substances that enter into our bodies. By drinking alcohol to excess will cause the organ work of our hearts become worse so that eventually can cause damage to the liver is called alcoholic liver desease. On a more serious level of alcohol consumption can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis of the liver characterized by changes in the liver tissue becomes rough and loses function. Cirrhosis of the liver can progress to portal hypertension is characterized by enlargement of blood vessels in the abdomen (caput medulla). Then there is accumulation of fluid in the abdomen known as aites. In other cases the liver cirrhosis may develop into liver cancer is very deadly.
By knowing the impact of alcohol for health Do you still intend to try or to continue to consume them?. Keep your heart, one of them to stay away or stop alcohol consumption in excess of the current.

jake · 656 weeks ago
jake · 654 weeks ago