alcohol and drug rehab

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Components of an Effective Rehabilitation Therapy

Monday, August 22, 2011 | Tags: ,
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There are several components of an effective rehabilitation therapy, among others:Assessment. Namely assessing the problems with collecting information for diagnosis and treatment modalities that best suits the conditions of addicts. Therapy plan. Treatment plan based on assessment results and client needs masalh which includes physical, psychological, social, spiritual, family and work. Detoxification program This is an early stage of...

Knowing the Emotional Stages when the Addict Stops Using Drugs

Thursday, August 18, 2011 | Tags: ,
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Knowing the emotional stages when the addict stops using drugs is one important factor that we can continue to lead the addict toward recovery. The relationship between the addict and the drug is very tightly, so that when the addict trying to escape from the influence of drugs then he will experience some very tormenting and painful. He will feel there is something missing from him, it is this which led to the recovery process requires...

How Readiness For Recovering Addicts?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 | Tags: ,
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Readiness for recovering addicts can be divided into several stages, among others: Phase prakontemplasi Stage where the addict to be indifferent to the state of addiction. Even he did not admit that he possessed a substance abuse problem. Contemplation stage Addicts begin to think of the problem. He began recognizes the adverse effects due to drug use, but still not willing to stop using it. Preparatory stage Addicts begin to plan...

Tips Choosing Treatment and Drug Rehabilitation Facility

Sunday, August 14, 2011 | Tags:
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What is the most suitable therapy to correct at one time for a particular individual? The answer to these questions often have to involve some level of care within a coordinated period of time. Everything is a continuity of care. So, therapy and rehabilitation should be understood as a process within a specified period that involves various levels of intensity of treatment on various aspects of recovery. Selected programs within their...

Tips Teaching Kids About Drugs Problem

Friday, August 12, 2011 | Tags:
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Tips Teaching Kids About Drugs Problem. Until now, very few children and adolescents who obtain information about drugs from the family environment (home ). There are several factors that cause it is partly because parents feel they have the ability and knowledge to it, or fear if the child knows about drug abuse then he will use it. It is very erroneous, knowledge about drugs should be administered at an early age. Obviously with the...
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